Pen & Ink Illustration
This sketch was done for potential use in a Lenten sermon series based on a biblical passage found in Luke 8:26-39.
John Franke House Illustration – Ft. Wayne, Indiana
Francis Barry Byrne designed this home in the Prairie School style of architectural design for John B. Franke of Ft. Wayne, Indiana. Randal did this line illustration of the home-based upon a visit to the site in the early 1980's.
Conceptual Globe Line Illustration Series
A business story-parable was written by a client of Randal Birkey's in the 1980's. Randal sketched a series of globes in various circumstances to visually illustrate the story. The story and illustrations were used in a brochure promoting the client's design firm and...
Corinthian Column Diagram
Randal Birkey created this line drawing of a Corinthian-style Greek column, as a diagram for a book on architecture. The original was done by hand with Rapidograph ink pens on drafting mylar film using architectural drafting techniques.
Old Man with Beard
Randal was looking through some "pen and ink" art books and decided to try his hand sketching a man in one of the books. This sketch was done 20 to 25 years ago and probably took about 2-3 minutes to complete. That's really the whole idea. Just do it - quick, sketchy,...
Frank Thomas House, Oak Park, Illinois
Deb and I got married in 1980, and settled in Oak Park quite by chance. We really did not know much about the community and its history at the time. In those early years, we discovered the Frank Lloyd Wright connection and became fascinated by his designs. This is a...