Vector Illustration
Concept Car
Description A vector-based concept car illustration by the illustrator, just for fun. The Medium This illustration was done in Adobe Illustrator on a Mac.
1997 Black Book Ad
Randal Birkey put together this self-promotional ad for the 1997 Black Book. It features: Pharmaceutical Product Logo Globe - Product Illustration Retouched and digitally altered 5 dollar bill with 2 Abe Lincoln's Close-up diagram of a chain product used in a road...
1998 Black Book Ad
Randal Birkey put together this self-promotional ad for the 1998 Black Book. It features: A series of vector line art icons A Nuclear Fission Reactor Core Vessel An Atomic Level Fission Nuclear Reaction Diagram A Medical Doctor Digital Vector Illustration Youth...
“The Item Catalog” for Caterpillar, Inc.
Caterpillar, Inc. desired to explore moving a portion of their extensive parts catalog from a paper only, to an interactive CD-ROM computer-based solution back in the early 1990's. Randal Birkey worked with Lou Morelli in producing an interactive CD-ROM demo for...
Ameritech “Signals” Magazine
Randal did this vector digital illustration in Adobe Illustrator for Ameritech's "Signals" magazine in the 1980's. It demonstrates how their wireless technology can penetrate walls and windows in buildings giving customers better cell signal reception.
Atlantic City, New Jersey, Map Illustration
This preliminary city map was illustrated in Adobe Illustrator by Randal Birkey and intended for use to sell advertising to the businesses in that city. It featured all the major casinos, and shopping spots as a means to attract additional businesses to advertise on...
Ameritech Mobile Paging Services Coverage Map
Ameritech Mobile and Ameritech Paging were major wireless carriers headquartered in Chicago during the 1980's as the cellular-mobile-paging market was in its infancy. These firms were an outgrowth and result of the old Bell Telco system before deregulation. Randal did...
3D Perspective Wireframes
Randal purchased his first Macintosh computer in 1996 after seeing a simple 3D wireframe software running on one at a trade show. He realized how much time could be saved by building his 3D perspectives on a computer, rather than by the painstaking and time-consuming...
US Swine Flu Map Animation
The team at Headstand Media produced a US Swine Flu Map Animation which was online at This tool was used on a daily basis to track the spread of the disease over time from state to state in a visual and animated manner. It...
Chicago Bears Stadium Rendered Elevation
In the 1980's, Randal Birkey was commissioned to assist in the production of large 40" x 60" presentation boards of a proposed architectural design for a new Chicago Bears stadium competition. The architect and engineering design team were able to export their CAD...
Rand McNally CityFlash Maps
OBJECTIVE As the recognized premier global map company, Rand McNally was exploring the possible transition from traditional cartography techniques to digital map production in the late 1980s. A new map product line called "CityFlash" maps was their first test case map...
Exelon Corporate Communications
Back in the 1990's, I did a series of illustrations for a designer friend of mine, who was designing some print brochures for Exelon, the energy company. The illustrations had to communicate about business, energy, technology, manufacturing, building relationships,...